Will Deep State “Contact Tracing” End Privacy?

Contact Tracing: They're Watching

“Alex Newman exposes the Deep State organizations and individuals working to shred privacy and invade your home with so-called “contact tracing.” From HR 6666 and phone apps for tracking you to microchips under the skin for children and home visits splitting up families, the agenda is totalitarian to the core. And yet, with very little resistance, this scheme is moving forward at the state and even global level under the World Health Organization. Clinton, Soros, Gates, and other globalist Deep Staters are involved. Humanity must resist to stay free.”

Press here to view video: Will Deep State “Contact Tracing” End Privacy?

What Could Go Wrong With Asking Teachers To Monitor Kids for ‘Extremist’ Beliefs?

“A core component of the U.S. CVE plan tasks teachers, social workers, and school administrators with monitoring and reporting to law enforcement on children in their care. An FBI document released earlier this year tells teachers to spy on their students’ thoughts and suggests that administrators essentially turn schools into mini-FBI offices.”

Continue reading: What Could Go Wrong With Asking Teachers To Monitor Kids for ‘Extremist’ Beliefs? | American Civil Liberties Union

U.S. to Allow Foreigners to Serve Warrants on U.S. Internet Firms

“The Obama administration is working on a series of agreements with foreign governments that would allow them for the first time to serve U.S. technology companies with warrants for email searches and wiretaps—a move that is already stirring debates over privacy, security, crime and terrorism.”

Continue reading: U.S. to Allow Foreigners to Serve Warrants on U.S. Internet Firms

NSA Labels Privacy-Centric Internet Users As “Extremists”

‘The NSA is not making any friends these days, and their latest statement on privacy-centric journalists is not helping matters much either. To be more precise, an investigation by the agency revealed how they are continuing to target the Tor network. Moreover, The Linux Journal is referred to as an “extremist forum”. Quite a strong sentiment, and possibly completely misguided as well.’

Continue reading: NSA Labels Privacy-Centric Internet Users As Extremists