Now There’s Proof: Docs Who Take Company Cash Tend to Prescribe More Brand-Name Drugs

“The more money doctors receive from drug and medical device companies, the more brand-name drugs they tend to prescribe, a new ProPublica analysis shows…”

“ProPublica has compiled the disclosed payments from pharmaceutical companies to doctors and other health care providers.  Pharmaceutical companies have paid out 3.49 billion dollars in disclosed payments: 681,020 to doctors, 81,135 to hospitals, and 21,565 to companies.”

Continue reading: Now There’s Proof: Docs Who Take Company Cash Tend to Prescribe More Brand-Name Drugs

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Apps Are Doing What Government Can’t to Help Low-Income Americans Stay Healthy

“Not only do Medicaid and Medicare provide inadequate care, but they have also set up perverse incentives which further diminish quality of care and increase costs for all patients…”

“So while the US government dithers and then makes the problem worse, here are six ways apps are helping low-income Americans stay healthy…”

Continue reading: Apps Are Doing What Government Can’t to Help Low-Income Americans Stay Healthy

See also: 10 apps increasing health care access for low-income patients