WikiLeaks Emails Suggest Bernie Sanders “Leveraged” Into Endorsing Clinton

‘Progressives are being admonished to support Hillary because Bernie says they should, but new leak drops seem to indicate that he was “leveraged” into it.’

‘On May 26, 2015, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook sent an email to campaign chairman John Podesta titled “Sanders criticism” expressing displeasure at some mild insinuations the Vermont senator had made about the Clintons’ massive wealth. Mook is the same man the Observer reports was already conspiring to rig the Democratic primary in April of 2014 by manipulating the scheduling of state primaries, as evidenced by this email, also from the Podesta leaks…’

Continue reading: New WikiLeaks Emails Suggest Bernie Sanders Was ‘Leveraged’ Into Endorsing Clinton

Susan Sarandon Endorses Jill Stein Over Hillary Clinton

“Susan Sarandon endorsed Jill Stein in an open letter on the third-party candidate’s website on Tuesday, November 1, saying she doesn’t trust Hillary Clinton”

“I’ve been waiting for any indication that Hillary Clinton’s position on the issues that are most urgent to me, has changed,” the 70-year-old actress began the letter. Ultimately, though, she said she just can’t get behind a litany of stances that the Democratic presidential nominee has taken.

Continue reading: Susan Sarandon Endorses Jill Stein Over Hillary Clinton

‘Google has power to control elections, can shift millions of votes to Clinton’ – Robert Epstein


‘People trust the “unbiased” internet search giant Google so much it can actually influence up to 10 million undecided voters to choose Hillary Clinton for president, prominent US psychologist and author Robert Epstein told RT following years of research.’

‘Despite being a supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, Dr. Epstein believes Google’s unchecked algorithm of placing one candidate over the other in search results constitutes a “threat to democracy”.’

Continue reading: ‘Google has power to control elections, can shift millions of votes to Clinton’

Wikileaks: Clinton Surrogates Wanted to Fool “Bitching” Bernie Voters into Supporting Hillary

‘His people will think they’ve “won” something from the Party Establishment’

A newly released Wikileaks email from the Podesta hack reveals a plan by Clinton surrogates to fool “bitching” Bernie Sanders voters into supporting Hillary by offering them a largely meaningless change in rules that apply to superdelegates.

The email was sent by Hillary’s former chief on staff Tamera Luzzatto on March 20 of this year. The recipients included Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, and Robby Mook, her campaign manager.

Luzzatto forwards “Sanders-related advice from Mark Siegel,” the former Palm Beach County Democratic Party Chairman.

In the email, Siegel explains how Bernie’s “sometimes self-righteous ideologues” could be fooled “to go home happy and enthusiastic in working their asses off for Hillary.”

“So here’s my idea. Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary,” wrote Siegel.

“Why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs. (Frankly, DNC members don’t really represent constituencies anyway. I should know. I served on the DNC first as Executive Director and then as an elected member for 10 years.)

So if we “give” Bernie this in the Convention’s rules committee, his people will think they’ve “won” something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn’t make any difference anyway. They win. We don’t lose. Everyone is happy.”

In other words, Bernie supporters could be offered some symbolic ‘victory’ that actually means nothing at all in order to trick them into becoming Hillary supporters.

Luzzatto shared the email with Mook and Podesta “as a favor and cause of his role in the Dems’ delegate system.”

The email will further enrage Bernie Sanders supporters, whom Hillary Clinton referred to as “basement dwellers” that had bought into a “false promise” in an audio recording that emerged earlier this month.


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Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Hillary Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange

“‘Can’t we just #drone this guy?” #Clinton openly inquired, offering a simple remedy to silence Julian Assange and smother Wikileaks via a planned military #dronestrike, according to State Department sources. The statement drew laughter from the room which quickly died off when the Secretary kept talking in a terse manner, sources said. Clinton said #Assange, after all, was a relatively soft target, “walking around” freely and thumbing his nose without any fear of reprisals from the United States.’”

Continue reading: Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Delegate “Hillary Wants to Ban All Guns”

“In this video, a journalist encounters a Hillary Clinton Alternate Delegate who discusses how the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton hide the fact that they want to ban all guns. In a step-by-step process, alternate California DNC delegate Mary Bayer explains the language Hillary Clinton and other Democrats will use to ban all guns.”

Continue reading: Hillary Clinton Delegate “Hillary Wants to Ban All Guns”

Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It

“Wikileaks has dropped an explosive exposé of Hillary Clinton, but is accusing Facebook of blocking people from accessing it.”

“The scary, albeit fascinating exposé on who’s in bed with whom in the halls of global power has expanded to include Facebook, according to WikiLeaks. The organization has accused the social networking site of censorship, saying Facebook is blocking users’ access to the latest Clinton dispatch.”

Source: Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims Google involved in Hillary Clinton campaign

“It is of concern when the head of one of the most powerful media outlets on the globe is teaming up with the nominee of the Democratic Party (or any party) for the purpose of getting that person elected.”

“Assange isn’t the only person reporting on this. We noted a few months ago that [Eric] Schmidt, the Chairman of Google actually founded a COMPANY whose sole goal is to get Hillary Clinton elected president.”

Story: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims Google involved in Hillary Clinton campaign