“Has Britain avoided a ‘European superstate’? France and Germany ‘draw up plans to morph EU countries into one with control over members’ armies and economies”
Author: Trūists.ōrg
Texas Secession: Brexit Inspires Nationalists To Leave US In ‘Texit’ Vote
‘Could a “Texit” occur? The U.K.’s divorce from the European Union has emboldened a long-festering Texas secessionist movement in the United States.’
‘Supporters of a so-called Texit say they feel a kinship with their British brethren, who shocked the world Thursday with a “leave” vote of 52 percent that defied the predictions of many experts…’
Source: Texas Secession: Brexit Inspires Nationalists To Leave US In ‘Texit’ Vote
Oliver Stone Blasts tech giants for collaborating with the government
Stone slammed tech giants Facebook, Google and Microsoft, accusing them of “collaborating” with the government in the Snowden case.
“It’s a form of fascism — the sovereignty of the state versus the sovereignty of the individual,” he said. “It’s the reverse of the way this country was founded.”
Source: Oliver Stone Blasts tech giants for collaborating with the government
Why Banning Gun Sales to Those on Terror Watch List Won’t Work
“In the wake of the Orlando mass shooting, there is a major push about what to do over gun control. And while some of the discussion is repetitive, what about the simple idea that if someone is on the FBI watch list, they should not be allowed to buy a gun? Is it fair? Does it make sense?”
Source: Why Banning Gun Sales to Those on Terror Watch List Won’t Work
Police can use illegally obtained evidence in court, SCOTUS rules, sabotaging 4th Amendment
Sonia Sotomayor warned in a scathing dissent the Supreme Court’s pro-police ruling violates constitutional rights
“This case allows the police to stop you on the street, demand your identification, and check it for outstanding traffic warrants — even if you are doing nothing wrong”
Source: Police can use illegally obtained evidence in court, SCOTUS rules, sabotaging 4th Amendment
Why Does The IRS Need So Many Guns?
‘What exactly is the Obama administration up to?’
‘Special agents at the IRS equipped with AR-15 military-style rifles? Health and Human Services “Special Office of Inspector General Agents” being trained by the Army’s Special Forces contractors? The Department of Veterans Affairs arming 3,700 employees?
The number of non-Defense Department federal officers authorized to make arrests and carry firearms (200,000) now exceeds the number of U.S. Marines (182,000). In its escalating arms and ammo stockpiling, this federal arms race is unlike anything in history. Over the last 20 years, the number of these federal officers with arrest-and-firearm authority has nearly tripled to over 200,000 today, from 74,500 in 1996.’
Here’s The Proof DNC Used Media To Rig Election For Hillary Clinton
“While Bernie Sanders’ supporters and independent media outlets have exhaustively pointed out that corporate media’s fatuous prattling over Hillary Clinton likely tipped the elections in her favor, we now have solid proof — leaked emails show the DNC colluded with mainstream outlets to heavily favor Clinton…“
Source: Here’s The Proof DNC Used Media To Rig Election For Hillary Clinton
Taxpayers continue to fund an office and staff for former Speaker John Boehner
‘We still pay for Boehner to have an office and staff on Capitol Hill. The staffers make over $100K a year … Sadly it appears the same can be said for Speaker Ryan.’
Source: Taxpayers continue to fund an office and staff for former Speaker John Boehner (VIDEO)
17 y/o girl faces fine for using pepper spray against sex attacker
“A Danish teenager who said she was sexually assaulted now faces a fine for using pepper spray against her attacker. The man who pulled her to the ground and tried to undress her fled the scene without any charges.”
Source: Outrage in Denmark as 17yo girl faces fine for using pepper spray against sex attacker
DEA Wants Inside Your Medical Records to Fight the War on Drugs
“The feds are fighting to look at millions of private files without a warrant, including those of two transgender men who are taking testosterone.”
Source: DEA Wants Inside Your Medical Records to Fight the War on Drugs
Healthcare spending is spiraling out of control—Here is where your money is going:
“The rate of rise of healthcare costs, the slope of that rate of rise, is almost exactly equal to the rate of rise of the number of administrators…”
Source: The facts speak for themselves | Surgery Center of Oklahoma
Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal
“The NSA, it seemed, had not told the public the whole story about Snowden’s contacts with oversight authorities before he became the most celebrated and vilified whistleblower in U.S. history.”
Source: Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal