Donald Trump, Gary Johnson Excluded from Google Search Results

Continue reading: Google tweaks system after Trump left off search results for ‘presidential candidates’

Obama Backs Off Plan to Demilitarize Police After Meeting With Lobbyists

“Instead of standing by his own previous commitment to scale back militarization, Obama was quick to give into police pressure — proving once more that this administration’s seeming willingness to address the root causes behind the issues the United States now faces is nothing more than a slogan.”

Source: Obama Backs Off Plan to Demilitarize Police After Meeting With Lobbyists

What Could Go Wrong With Asking Teachers To Monitor Kids for ‘Extremist’ Beliefs?

“A core component of the U.S. CVE plan tasks teachers, social workers, and school administrators with monitoring and reporting to law enforcement on children in their care. An FBI document released earlier this year tells teachers to spy on their students’ thoughts and suggests that administrators essentially turn schools into mini-FBI offices.”

Continue reading: What Could Go Wrong With Asking Teachers To Monitor Kids for ‘Extremist’ Beliefs? | American Civil Liberties Union

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Delegate “Hillary Wants to Ban All Guns”

“In this video, a journalist encounters a Hillary Clinton Alternate Delegate who discusses how the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton hide the fact that they want to ban all guns. In a step-by-step process, alternate California DNC delegate Mary Bayer explains the language Hillary Clinton and other Democrats will use to ban all guns.”

Continue reading: Hillary Clinton Delegate “Hillary Wants to Ban All Guns”

Now There’s Proof: Docs Who Take Company Cash Tend to Prescribe More Brand-Name Drugs

“The more money doctors receive from drug and medical device companies, the more brand-name drugs they tend to prescribe, a new ProPublica analysis shows…”

“ProPublica has compiled the disclosed payments from pharmaceutical companies to doctors and other health care providers.  Pharmaceutical companies have paid out 3.49 billion dollars in disclosed payments: 681,020 to doctors, 81,135 to hospitals, and 21,565 to companies.”

Continue reading: Now There’s Proof: Docs Who Take Company Cash Tend to Prescribe More Brand-Name Drugs

Search for your doctor in their interactive database at:

Edward Snowden Develops Phone Case to Alert Users if Their Data is Being Compromised

“While the device is still far from ready for commercial distribution, Snowden and Huang note that they hope this case study will influence how individuals perceive their personal tracking devices they carry around in their pockets — also known as cell phones.”

Continue reading: Edward Snowden Develops Phone Case to Alert Users if Their Data is Being Compromised

High-fat diets are best: “significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease”

“A review of 50 years of evidence concluded that eating unrestricted amounts of fat was healthier than any other type of diet, when it is done in the right way.”

“Scientists last night claimed that the ballooning obesity crisis—which for decades has been blamed on people eating too much fat—may actually be due to diets packed with sugar and food containing refined grains, such as white bread and pasta…”

Continue reading: High-fat diets ARE the best: Mediterranean diet ‘significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease’