Ranked-choice voting worked in Maine. Now we should use it in presidential races.

Lawrence Lessig: “When voters rank their first, second and third-choice candidates, the winner is broadly acceptable.”

Voters were lined up outside of the Vigo County Annex in Terre Haute, Ind.,. on Nov. 5, 2018, to take advantage of the final day of early voting.
(Photo: Austen Leake, Tribune-Star via AP)

“Maine is not the only jurisdiction in America to use ranked-choice voting. It is just the first where it has mattered in a federal election. We should follow its example. There is plenty of time to carry its idea to the 2020 election and give all of us a system less prone to the vicious attacks, and more guaranteed to select candidates supported by at least a majority in every state…”

Source: Ranked-choice voting worked in Maine. Now we should use it in presidential races.

Surveillance Cameras Can Identify Anyone by “Talking to Their Cellphones”

Surveillance cameras will soon be able to identify everyone by “talking” to their cell phones thanks to research by a university with ties to the federal surveillance state.

“This system basically allows surveillance cameras to talk to the public through their individual phones,” Purdue University doctoral student Siyuan Cao said.

As the video illustrates, soon nowhere will be safe from Big Brother’s prying eyes.

Purdue University’s SIMBA Labs has developed a camera-to-human surveillance program called PHADE otherwise known as Private Human Addressing … To call PHADE a privacy nightmare really does not do it justice…

Continue reading: Surveillance Cameras Can Identify Anyone by “Talking to Their Cellphones”